
Social policies

Settlement practices

Relational networks

Cultural and artistic expressions

The theme of inclusion of Expo 2030 Roma will be both implicit and explicit in the multicultural and transcultural ethos and environment of the Expo, which will welcome people from all over the word and all aspects of society, with no limits to the topics that can be exhibited and debated; from individual and global benefits of a healthier food lifestyle, to solutions on how to de-carbonise the atmosphere.


Inclusion will be the basic principle during all the three phases of Expo 2030 Roma:

  • During the Pre-Expo, we will help countries not only with the construction of the container, the design and structure of their National Pavilion, but also with the development of the content that the country wants to expose. Countries will also be actively involved in the design of the Thematic Pavilions: the Roomscape Thematic Pavilion will be realised through the joint efforts of all the nations involved.
  • During the Expo, we will work with the countries to ensure maximum and fair visibility for each of them, helping every country to customise its exhibition content. Participating countries that have chosen to build a Lasting Self-built Pavilion will contribute to the sustainability of the project and will engage in a partnership with the host country that will continue beyond the duration of the event.
  • Post-Expo, these Pavilions will be designed from the outset to be durable and reconvertible to houses a new specific usage within the new ‘Open and Collaborative Knowledge Park of Sustainable People and Territories’ of Tor Vergata. For this to be possible, the participating country must engage in a co-design relationship with the inhabitants of the future, so that the future building is the result of a design process on which our country is participating and supporting. Thanks to this opportunity, citizens from all over the world will thus have the chance to come and live in the Lasting Pavilion built by their own country, to carry out a period of mobility for study within this Research Park, and then return to their own country with the know-how and skills learned at Tor Vergata University.

Expo 2030 Roma will be a place where diversity will be celebrated as richness and where every country will have the tools to be able to optimally express its own identity and culture. For the first time in a Universal Exposition, the richness and variety brought by the world’s different cultures will not be confined within National Pavilions, but will contribute to generating the great mosaic that is Expo 2030 Roma.


The entire masterplan will become a shared kaleidoscope of transcultural experiences: Expo 2030 Roma is not the Expo of Italy, but the Expo of all the countries of the world, once again concretising the Theme, Together, into reality.

Discover more about the other pillars


Smart city devices and technologies
Clean energy production
Solutions for resource conservation air, soils and water
Waste treatment
Solutions for the supply of food and commodities
Territorial governance
Environmental policies
Good urban and settlement practices
Health policies


Walk through the doors of the future with us!